Girlfriend Series: Summer Fling
A hip-hop, R&B musical story of meeting someone new in the summer and eager to see where it goes, but not ready for how it ends.
Sep 06 • 4 songs
Next TuesdayYoung Jukie
Close to MeYoung Jukie
Number OneYoung Jukie
Classic Case of LoveYoung Jukie
About The Release
The "Girlfriend Series" is story about the experiences with women in my life. The "Summer Fling" installment explores thoughts and emotions with a person from the summer. The emotions of being intrigued and excitement of something new, to a sense of wanting for each other, to lifting each other up, to coming to grips with how things end up. It's up and it's down--like most relationships.
Music Min. Pricing$5
Exclusive AccessAlbum, Video, Video, Document, Document
Release DateSep 06, 2024
Young Jukie - Girlfriend Series: Summer Fling - hip-hop, rnb - Sep 06, 2024 - 4 songs - Q.O.Q